New Server | The Legend of Mir

New Server


Active Member
This has been rolling around in my head since Skull Island (an event which I enjoyed). Mir has an abundance of caves, which get little use since most players blow past the first 100 or so levels doing quests, making them largely redundant.

How about a remodelled server where the entry point is Skull Island, which you can exit at, say, lvl150? The mainland can then take advantage of the fact that the minimum level a player can be is 150, and all the mobs, outdoor areas, and maps can be revised to a higher level, thus spreading out hunts and also allowing some of the high-level areas now to be pushed even higher and making the old low-level areas relevant once more. This would also allow more caves and maps that offer the option of either good xp or better drops (at the expense of the better xp).

No point making a new server when he hasn’t updated rota and p69, that’s my 2 pence anyway.

But good idea