New Player Looking for Guild to Join | The Legend of Mir

New Player Looking for Guild to Join

Hey everyone,

Old Mir 2 player from the GN days getting back into the game. Looking to join a guild that would be happy to help out a new player with understanding things with the game and join their ranks. Any guilds open to accepting new members?
Try KnightsofOld or MirFamily
Agree with this. These guys seem fairly neutral and friendly. If you jump straight into one of the bigger guilds you'll just end up involved in drama haha

Best of luck to you in your journey, if you have any questions I'm always happy to help!
That guild uchiha(sp?) seems to be good for new players as well. I’ve seen a number joining their ranks.
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Recently returned to the game myself and have joined up with KnightsofOld and would recommend them.

Very relaxed, always people about to answer questions / hunt etc.