Question - Maps of Naga Ruins | The Legend of Mir

Question Maps of Naga Ruins

Googled it.

F4 to F5 route

F4 MAZE DOOR 1 165-170
F4 MAZE DOOR 2 310-220
F4 MAZE DOOR 3 238-198

F5 Lanes route to KR

L1 - L2 100:110
L2 - L4 85:188
L4 - LS5 128:219 (NPC to map before KR)

Will cost you demon souls to enter
Is this map also same map when using marble stone tomb? And if it is, is there a way out to Elysian map?
Bottom right small lane on 5F there is a door that takes you into secret path, which then leads out to elysium. That was the original way to get there, but for some reason GM made it really easy by allowing recall too 🤮
From Ruins F4 to Lanes:
View attachment 1116
Naga Lanes:

View attachment 1115
Worth noting these maps for ruins are the same for Lost crypts but with some changes for example in picture above in lane S5 the red X on left goes to MST KR and the Red X on right goes to big lane 4, in the one with only one singular red X that or the one directly left of it goes into MST maze.

If u are entering the Crypts via Elysium and the hole in the wall by pet food NPC, Top right steps in secret path takes u to big lane 4, when u go down go immediately back through the same door and you will be in lane 1, go up, miss the door with pillars and take the next left and you will be on Crypts 4F and then the previous map that was posted will apply here.

Be careful for crypt Witches