Make Mir Great Again | The Legend of Mir

Make Mir Great Again


There a few little bits that keep coming up that I feel could be genuine improvement for the game as whole.

For the economy:

Stop the farms!! Witches in zt are too easy to farm gold from
Change Oma warrior drop. It drops a wep 1/1 and since it came in, drastically reduced price of weps and wep des

For the community:

Increase Stability detractor for leaving a guild. Mechanic was put in years ago and was fit for purpose at the time. Since then a lot of new features have been introduced where bouncing around guilds is super beneficial to gain more Ely ore / compete in arena / for war purposes ... the list goes on. Simple put, the loss of stab is no deterrent in this day and age. Features need to be updated with the times (bit like when all items value was halved for sale to shops)

Red and Blue circles - Yes this old chestnut! It top end caves you cant see unless you hit. This idea should apply to entire world map.

New Special Rings - Level 195. Should help with the flow through of Ely orbed kit down the server as top player buy the latest and aim to orb them