also holy damage did used to affect your buffs just like it did to my UE (even tho it works with amc/ac/fire/ice)
i believe, but that got changed to fixxed values a while ago and i guess he didnt remove the holy element from the spells
Yeah 5 is right, it did influence the output at one point but was reverted to a fixed unit to stop crazy stats building out of control then buffing with even crazier stats. Think if that was still a thing, those top end taos with high SC could be charging GG for buffs ha.
I think on Warda when I tested it with 30k SC (obviously an extreme case), when I buffed myself the stats were ridiculous, I don't remember the output but it was somewhere in the thousands.
It only works vs single attack magic spells anyway.
Yeah you're half right there. In terms of PvP it was a case of single-cell spells could be countered but it also affects special monster spells - an example being Evil Mir's ranged FlameField, whilst this was an AoE (Area of Effect) attack, it still could be countered by the player being targeted. This is just one example, there are a lot more cases as well where the stat could potentially block special abilities from certain monsters/bosses. If I remember rightly as well, back in 2.3 days, it could counter map effects like Thunder/Lava?
I don't fully know if this was the case, Scorpian may know more about it than I and will correct me if I'm wrong but I remember reading somewhere that when MA was ported over to Heroes files, it had unintended side effects - not entirely sure if they were good or bad, but I imagine the latter. There were other buggy spell effects such as "Blindness" and "Enraged" (I think that was the name, can't fully remember, was a long time ago) that I believe were removed from Arcadia that were experimented with in the early Heroes builds. Enraged which would affect the target similar to how taoist's confusion spell works, if cast on a player it would render their controls inactive briefly and cause them to attack any random target closest to them. Blindness caused the player's vision to be engulfed in the fog seen in dungeons, allowing them to only see a 1-cell radius around them for the duration of the effect.
TL;DR: Scorpian can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this wasn't used purely because of how overpowered it actually was and how it affected so many things, and likely also needed re-fixing. I remember instances on Project 69 where certain players would build heavy MR kits and could almost AFK at RedDragon, a boss that should have taken a big group to take down and proved a hefty challenge. Also you'll notice here it's a % based stat (i.e. out of 100), whereas on older builds like 2.3 and below, it was a single integer (+1) that I think was the equivalent of +10% or something along those lines. Again I'm speculating here so don't quote me on that.
In terms of features, Euro Mir only covers a small amount in comparison to what Arcadia has evolved into these days. The stat itself would need a lot of reworking and adding more stats to the game just means more to manage and attempt to balance out, more to take into consideration and given the amount of stats already in game I personally can't see any value in adding more to the stack.