Karma | The Legend of Mir



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How do i fix my low karma?

Ive had low karma now for around 3 weeks, im white, ive hunted everyday up to 300 DS a day i havnt pk’d anybody! Ive been a really good boy yet my karma is still low and wont allow me the privilege of checking how many people are on a map? Any ideas?
How do i fix my low karma?

Ive had low karma now for around 3 weeks, im white, ive hunted everyday up to 300 DS a day i havnt pk’d anybody! Ive been a really good boy yet my karma is still low and wont allow me the privilege of checking how many people are on a map? Any ideas?
Donate me some nice items, show that real compassion to us low levels.

Then I’ll have a word with the people in charge.
How do i fix my low karma?

Ive had low karma now for around 3 weeks, im white, ive hunted everyday up to 300 DS a day i havnt pk’d anybody! Ive been a really good boy yet my karma is still low and wont allow me the privilege of checking how many people are on a map? Any ideas?
I did a fair bit of pk in the summer event and been behaving ever since, only just got back to perfect karma about 2 weeks ago. Takes a lot of mob kills.

You can determine your progress by observing the price of ID scrolls

1,100,000 = karma -5 (worst possible)
1,080,000 = karma -4
1,060,000 = karma -3
1,040,000 = karma -2
1,020,000 = karma -1
1,000,000 = karma neutral (new players start here)
980,000 = karma +1
960,000 = karma +2
940,000 = karma +3
920,000 = karma +4
900,000 = karma +5 (also get glow, and ability to view player counts)

Obviously this doesn't take into account Tristam owner discount, which is a flat 100k discount regardless of your karma. So if you're in the guild that owns Tristam the scale still applies but is offset so it runs from 1m to 800k
How do i fix my low karma?

Ive had low karma now for around 3 weeks, im white, ive hunted everyday up to 300 DS a day i havnt pk’d anybody! Ive been a really good boy yet my karma is still low and wont allow me the privilege of checking how many people are on a map? Any ideas?
Bloody hell, not another Karma thread.

I doubt its anywhere close to being as important as anyone thinks it is.