Is it exploiting? | The Legend of Mir

Is it exploiting?

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Before xmas event there were few guilds above level 20, now all guilds in the top rankings are above level 20.

Rumour has it ingame that a very few players are levelling several guilds to 20 so they can exploit Guild caves to benefit from the high Elysian item drop rate and elysian ore, I witnessed this last night 19/01/24 when my guild were prepping to go to guild cave & I seen a guild i thought was dead with two level 180+ and a bunch of unkitted noobs who i have never seen before all lvl 150 (about 6 of them) waiting at GC entrance.

A lot of effort from those involved but obviously an exploitation of an ingame mechanic that is supposed to reward an elysian to a guilds roughly once every two months now rewarding it to the exploiters once or more a week? ( not considering the ore aspect)
Before xmas event there were few guilds above level 20, now all guilds in the top rankings are above level 20.

Rumour has it ingame that a very few players are levelling several guilds to 20 so they can exploit Guild caves to benefit from the high Elysian item drop rate and elysian ore, I witnessed this last night 19/01/24 when my guild were prepping to go to guild cave & I seen a guild i thought was dead with two level 180+ and a bunch of unkitted noobs who i have never seen before all lvl 150 (about 6 of them) waiting at GC entrance.

A lot of effort from those involved but obviously an exploitation of an ingame mechanic that is supposed to reward an elysian to a guilds roughly once every two months now rewarding it to the exploiters once or more a week? ( not considering the ore aspect)
Technically Dont see this as exploitation , some people have just to much time on there hands ... It takes a lot to of gp to keep the guild to the level for Epic cave entry people have been doing this from day 1 Events make it easier to get up to the rank required for entry I suspect that that equates to maybe 16- 32 ores during event time then its up to those indiviuals to maintatin the GP afterwards , If your happy where your Main char is then why not lvl you alt and collect GP to maintain the entry ......
I dont find the issue the Epic caves the mian issue is elsyian ores not being able to the solo or small guild who may have quest gear to complete etc .... I guess for those people its does really seem like a smack in the face with a wet kipper ................
Before xmas event there were few guilds above level 20, now all guilds in the top rankings are above level 20.

Rumour has it ingame that a very few players are levelling several guilds to 20 so they can exploit Guild caves to benefit from the high Elysian item drop rate and elysian ore, I witnessed this last night 19/01/24 when my guild were prepping to go to guild cave & I seen a guild i thought was dead with two level 180+ and a bunch of unkitted noobs who i have never seen before all lvl 150 (about 6 of them) waiting at GC entrance.

A lot of effort from those involved but obviously an exploitation of an ingame mechanic that is supposed to reward an elysian to a guilds roughly once every two months now rewarding it to the exploiters once or more a week? ( not considering the ore aspect)

I did try to make the GM aware of this, apparently im just upset people put more effort in then me 🤷🏼‍♂️😅
As Dote replied to another post.

"Again personally, I think that obsessive individuals gaining such an advantage that they become untouchable will be the death of the server unless something changes."

This was my point, it is incredibly obsessive to put this massive amount of work into creating and maintaining these guilds, but GM obviously created guild caves to allow a guild size number of players to gain an opportunity at X amount of elysian ores & elysian drops once a week from a guildcave.

If a number of players are circumventing this to get 2/3/4/5/6 or more chances a week surely this is a manipulation?

I remember an exploit back on euro mir, I think it was buying a bag of poisons in one town and selling in another gave you 50k profit, and some obsessive player made 10's of millions from it by buying and selling around the clock, this feels similar.
I think it must flatter the dev team that somebody is going to such great lengths to achieve what they designed to be extremely challenging. We are all on here moaning about her doing it, which only highlights the difficulty of the task she is on with.
I remember an exploit back on euro mir, I think it was buying a bag of poisons in one town and selling in another gave you 50k profit, and some obsessive player made 10's of millions from it by buying and selling around the clock, this feels similar.
There was one here a few years ago that GM fixed pretty quickly, there was an item (I think it was a book) you could buy from game shop for about 20 or 25 game gold and sell to trader for something like 12 mill gold. This was back in the day when gold bars were changing hands for 35+ gg. So folk were buying all the books from game shop, selling them all to trader, then selling bars for 'cheap, quick sale prices' and making big profits.
Whats the difference between someone leveling a guild to 20 keeping stab/to stay 20 and hunting epic caves and get ely ore and a few people that dont wanna be in a guild guild starting a small guild leveling to 20 keeping stab/gp to stay 20 and hunting epic caves to get ely ore?

How do you tell the difference? If there doing the work to keep the guild at level 20 by getting gps whats wrong with it? Its alot of effort tbh.
Think people need more awareness about how game works and how to play . lately punch of clueless players or people who basicaly gives no effort not willing to give time or money and they expecting to be same as top players and complaining about they cant do or achieve what others can do. honesly whos problem is this ? think its not my problem not gm problem not any one problem. then they do silly naming like '' exploiting '' which they dont even know meaning of the word. fristly exploiting means some one do get advantage over others in some thing not '' avaliable" for others too. and as i see lots of pitty lately i would clear points for who needs to under stand.
Fristly like i said exploiting means some one take advantage over others which not avaliable for others too. which making guild is avaliable for all to do and all can do the same . and its the mechanism of aguild in any case what ever reason u make as long u give the required to full its mechanism as time points etc then u simply can. and as long some thing is applied at all players with same ratio then thats call '' challanges '' and u need to do effort to face it . and instead of talk non sense let me help u to think properly . and why in frist place some one would make guild and put all that effort ? cuz simply hes some one dealing with one of game challanges like elysian ores is not like rest and cant be its have its own value and cant be that easy to get so simply it needs to work for it to gain. is same with people whos moaning about '' gold '' is some thing facing all players then its consider one of game'' challanges'' and instead of talking non sense about rt or teleporting rings disable and that bull shit which gives no sense and getting jealous from others . u guys need to get more awarenss about how to play the game and face real challanges of the game instead. as if ur players not willing to give time or effort or money then simply dont expect to be from top players or from player who rly haves thier own values in game . cuz simply if ur believes to be compared with others then we dont have converstion here and that not place to moan about what u cant do but others can. and i would explain from time to time for people who rly willing to under stand not just waste others time.
Well im here explaining for whos needs to under stand didnt use budgets my talk was fair , but if u gonna come here out of topic cross ur line and forget who ur . then dont blame me when use budgets and makes u looks like ashoe. being narcissistc or what ever is fair play for punch of ladie boys like u.
Truly u guys are fans which i dont wounder when it comes at top players much better most of u toeghter . as me and sky knows how to play the game well we do helping each others can grind any thing . im the actual leader so instead being so obessed what we can do and achieve that u never can. try learn from us instead then prob u wont need to moan in fourm like little girl.

like having castles? Oh wait you tried that while myself and several others took a break, didn’t like it did you?

also actually read my response to the other post about the same thing…
Well im here explaining for whos needs to under stand didnt use budgets my talk was fair , but if u gonna come here out of topic cross ur line and forget who ur . then dont blame me when use budgets and makes u looks like ashoe. being narcissistc or what ever is fair play for punch of ladie boys like u.
Budgets… ashoe…. Cross your line….

next level
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