Feature Request - Interchangable Candles ---- Mount SLot ::::::::: | The Legend of Mir

Feature Request Interchangable Candles ---- Mount SLot :::::::::


Active Member
Hi , over the festive season we enjoyed the ability to slot in a mount for a candle , enjoyed the ability to have different candles in the bag to meet different situations
HP regen PA etc .
Obviuosly this was a great success so please can we have this aa a permenant feature the ability to swap in out candles

Thank you

Peace and Kebabs
This would be especially useful when swapping between different classes and accidently buying the PA I stead of SA for example. Fortunate not to have made the mistake myself but have seen many players wearing the "wrong" candle.

I have always wondered why these cannot be taken off and swapped out for other candles in the past. Can't see it having a negative impact.
