Hunting locations | The Legend of Mir

Hunting locations

If you have good damage on your kit then go to paradise heights (red portal inside paradise isles) and use inferno and call of phoenix
If your kit is pretty basic go around isle of the dead (or venture inside the tomb) and just turn undead everything

As a more general hint, press H and click 'quick hunt' and you'll get links to 3 suggested places where the mobs are around your level, always worth trying all 3 out and see which one works best for your playing style
If you have good damage on your kit then go to paradise heights (red portal inside paradise isles) and use inferno and call of phoenix
If your kit is pretty basic go around isle of the dead (or venture inside the tomb) and just turn undead everything

As a more general hint, press H and click 'quick hunt' and you'll get links to 3 suggested places where the mobs are around your level, always worth trying all 3 out and see which one works best for your playing style
I have no idea where paradise heights is. Is that the demon souls cave. I tried isles or lasers (non DS one) on my lvl 48 and found it a challenge for sure - and I’ve got like 67 or 68% fire damage.
I have no idea where paradise heights is. Is that the demon souls cave. I tried isles or lasers (non DS one) on my lvl 48 and found it a challenge for sure - and I’ve got like 67 or 68% fire damage.
When you enter isles there's a red portal just up from where you appear, takes you into heights. You might need a bit of defence too, it can take a bit of practice