Bug Report - Holyomamori(L) | The Legend of Mir

Bug Report Holyomamori(L)


All the Large amulets are only showing 22 - 36 hrs duration.. no 7 day duration in any village in West bichon maps. Making cash is much slower now but a 500k loss every day and a bit makes it worse??
There is 7 day duration amulets mate all you have to do is scroll down the list the 7 day duration amulets are down in the last the low duration amulets shows up and the 7 days are down in the list as far i have seen it dont know if this is also changed like karma update 😉
There is 7 day duration amulets mate all you have to do is scroll down the list the 7 day duration amulets are down in the last the low duration amulets shows up and the 7 days are down in the list as far i have seen it dont know if this is also changed like karma update 😉
Yes if you scroll down they are longer, but sometimes the whole list is short times. Sometimes I've scrolled to the bottom and the best is 2 days
Ty guys.. I did scroll down in all towns... finally bought a 36 hr one... and then a 7 day appeared at bottom.... not a gripe but if they cant be sold back to shop now... why are they on sale a low duration... one for Warda / Scorp?
Thanks, will have a look. I do know that items with a timer begin to count down the second they appear in the inventory. Could be that the older ones are clogging up the front of the merchant as you can only view a certain number of items so the new ones are at the 'back'.