Question - FlameSwordFire lvl 4 working or not? | The Legend of Mir

Question FlameSwordFire lvl 4 working or not?


Active Member

I recently unlocked FlameSwordFire level 4. Before obtaining it, I took screenshots of my flame skills to compare the damage stats before and after. However, after getting FlameSwordFire level 4, I noticed that the numbers didn't change. Is this normal? Does FlameSwordFire secretly boost the damage without showing it in the stats, or should I be seeing a difference in the numbers?


(the before pic) (after pic the numbers did not change even one bit)
Your showing two separate spells ? Is that correct?

FlamingSword Level 4
BlazingSword Level 4
Correct, but:

Was 40% extra damage at level 3, so now 10% extra at level 4. Surely this should've buffed my flaming sword damage by 10%? (and possibly blazingsword and firefrenzy as they both use fire too). But when i checked the stat numbers, nothing changed
The damage increase is calculated afterwards - i.e. applied at the point the player casts, not before, so it won't update naturally in the spell overview.