Extermination bar - a great but flawed system. Problems and easy solutions. | The Legend of Mir

Extermination bar - a great but flawed system. Problems and easy solutions.


Active Member
So, The extermination bar is something I have wanted to post about for a while but I thought it was best to really test and monitor what was happening when I played before I committed anything to the forum.

Before I start, I really like the extermination bar/killstreak function. It is one of the few ways to maximise the chance of getting decent drops while out levelling. It is a lot of fun going at the game hard and fast to build the streak and keep it as high as possible. However, while it is a great element within the gameplay it has its issues, mostly to do with the time which is given to keep the streak active, which is a something I have seen people raise on this forum before and spoken to others in-game about. Perhaps its time this feature was fixed once and for all?

I thought I would create this thread listing the problems (from my perspective) and a few simple ways this could be fixed so we have the best (and fairest/balanced) game experience we can have.

lately, I have had my killstreak dropping from max for literally no reason while still killing mob. Initially, I thought I must have missed something, so I decided to give it more time and really keep an eye on what was happening. For instance, last night, I had topped out the extermination bar and had never taken a break or stopped killing mobs in Hall of Agony and twice, right after I had killed something, the killstreak dropped back to 11, which is a bit of a kick in the balls as I was going hard with no breaks in an effort to keep the bar topped out as I wanted to try and get some decent loot.

Here are the problems I have noticed ...

At times, and at random, the extermination bar will time out for no reason and drop a level.

The time allotted to keep the bar topped out is far to short. The best example of this is when lvling (or hunting), a player can fill the bar up but as soon as they come across a champ, and sometimes a super, you are guaranteed that the bar will drop a level while fighting the mob. Now, this may not sound like much but the literal point of the extermination bar is to maximise the chance of non-boss mobs dropping decent items, so it makes no sense that the extermination bad does not give enough time to kill the best non-boss mobs. For instance, I am lvl 146 and fighting mob around my same level - The extermination bar should last enough time to be able to kill super's and champs which are at my level else what is the point in taking the time to build the killstreak so the supers and champs drop better only for the bar to drop a lvl or 2 when fighting those mobs because the times runs out too fast?

People have also mentioned that there is no way to take a break while building a killstreak, and while they do have a valid point this kinda defeats the purpose of building the streak. The point of this feature is that it rewards intense play with the potential to have better items, so if you take a break I feel it is right the killstreak drops.


The solutions are really pretty simple, it's a case of ...

* change how long it takes for the extermination bar to drop a level. IMO the time should be raised like x3 to make it more fair. As I said above, the extermination bar should give the amount of time for someone to kill a champ at their lvl range.

* Create a potion item that can slow the times down.

*As we can now create our own mythic items, make Vengence sources easier to obtain (maybe via quest?) so we can use this to negate the lack of time.

I also think it would be a good idea, if possible, to add some sort of visible timer whether within the extermination bar or somewhere else so players can see how long they have till the streak runs out. I understand something like this is a lot harder to implement as it may involve coding, but it would be a welcome addition.

I look forward to seeing a healthy discussion on this topic and hope Scorp think about this issue. Really, it's something small but it can be frustrating and fixing it will only make the gameplay experience better.
A lot of good points there, but I think I can add some comments

It used to have a timer when it was first introduced as 'kill chain' but it was really confusing to a lot of people and the system was changed to extermination meter, this made it more visual but also gives less information, such as the numerical timer going. I'll explain the details more ingame or on WhatsApp, putting it all here will just send the community to sleep.

I agree the timer could be slightly more generous, but to offset it would need to require more kills to level it up. I do find myself carrying champs along with me into other lures to make sure I get the kill on them when I'm at max, rather than just killing them as fast as possible.

I think you got four mythics mixed up, a minor point, I'm sure you meant eradication mythic, vengeance is the extra damage one

Any tereport / RT / recall / room change kills the timer and makes it immediately start dropping, I asked about this being loosened to allow door entries and tele rings but was denied, so I think GM is quite strongly against that idea

Apologies for any nonsense typos, I'm on my phone and autocorrect is on drugs today haha
My bad. ye, I have my mythics mixed up. Thanks for correcting this!

I only realised the times drops with RT's and tele's in the last week. IMO that's a bit unfair as I was only ever doing that to try and find more mob.
Thanks for feedback.

Regarding one point, at higher levels you need to kill multiple monsters to maintain the timer.

Oh and it should only be teleportation which triggers the countdown, not moving through doors
Regarding one point, at higher levels you need to kill multiple monsters to maintain the timer.

That would explain it much of the time. I guess it's more of a symptom of the bigger issue with the lack of time. however, lately, I've lost my streak while still killing a lot of mob for seemingly no reason - Yesterday it dropped from 12 to 9 at one point and I have no idea why as I had never had a break in killing mob.
Nah, its not that. I am only level 147 and lately have only been levelling in Halls of Agony for the last week or 2. All mob are well within that range.
I've never managed to get to annihilator level on my warrior. I've had it twice on my wizzie but only because I was using TU in zuma temple. I think the timer could do with being extended a bit. For instance I was levelling in mutant mines where there are a LOT of monsters to keep the meter up, but I'm not powerful enough to run into massive packs and take a beating.

My tao will never get above about three bars with the slow, crappy pets she has.
I've never managed to get to annihilator level on my warrior. I've had it twice on my wizzie but only because I was using TU in zuma temple. I think the timer could do with being extended a bit. For instance I was levelling in mutant mines where there are a LOT of monsters to keep the meter up, but I'm not powerful enough to run into massive packs and take a beating.

My tao will never get above about three bars with the slow, crappy pets she has.

It's not so much about fast killing, but consistent killing. At low level it's hard to raise the meter but it does get easier, on all classes, think of it as a reward for being stronger