Currently looking for an active guild | The Legend of Mir

Currently looking for an active guild

Hey everyone. I've been playing for a couple of weeks now (i'm not new to mir, used to play the Dragon service) and am a 128 wiz.

I'm now looking for a guild to play with (PVE). Let me know if you're interested in having me :)
Would be good if there was a public guild board tbh
Like ingame a button to press or notice board npc to click or something, shows all guilds level 15+ along with leader name, and a green/red light for whether they are recruiting or not, and maybe like an indicator of whether they are pvp/pve
I think that would be helpful for new players to see what guilds are available
Would be good if there was a public guild board tbh
Like ingame a button to press or notice board npc to click or something, shows all guilds level 15+ along with leader name, and a green/red light for whether they are recruiting or not, and maybe like an indicator of whether they are pvp/pve
I think that would be helpful for new players to see what guilds are available

This is a great idea 👌👌
im a returning player as well, 146 tao needing a guild i was in immortals probably about 2014 its been a long time since ive played
Would be good if there was a public guild board tbh
Like ingame a button to press or notice board npc to click or something, shows all guilds level 15+ along with leader name, and a green/red light for whether they are recruiting or not, and maybe like an indicator of whether they are pvp/pve
I think that would be helpful for new players to see what guilds are available
That's a great idea! New comers see guilds around but never sure who the leaders are.