Chickens. | The Legend of Mir



Active Member
i wonder if its possible from the GM's side to remove the ally function or to implicate a code where allies are not permitted to enter castles during guild wars, now i only say this because this has been a huge problem for the longest of times now.

i held the same stance when imms / templar were allied and outnumbered the opposing guilds, i hold the same stance now the opposing guilds + there many allies outnumber imms, it has ruined the aspect of wars completely.... there is no competition and surely thats what wars are about? how can you obtain something and be pleased with it as though it was gifted and not worked for? this genuinely baffles my brains, particularly as your given 1 of the main sources of income for a guild in the game, in my opinion it undoubtedly has to be worked for and earned not given.

i presume the coding for such a task could be quite the brainteaser if at all possible, but i think something has to be done to switch up the balance of wars as they are absolutely pointless and guilds who cannot obtain a castle without the help of others simply dont deserve them.

Stop ruining the game for gold you cant obtain, get good chickens.
During war only the castle holders and opposition who had declared war should be allowed inside and let them fight it out to keep control of the castle. Allies can wait outside and do whatever they like. Implement this and none will cry
"For every solution to a problem there are 3 new problems."

This sounds like a good solution to an obvious problem, but it would work perfectly for about 5 minutes before people work around it and we're back to square one. You'll just end up with people gaming the system by putting everyone in the same guild for war then spread out again afterwards, just like both sides do for SW. If you then solve that by some method of preventing people jumping guilds (I did make a suggestion around that a while ago, when you join a guild there's a cooldown of 3 or 5 or 7 days or something like that before you can join a different guild, so if you switch guild for war or epic cave or whatever then you're stuck until cooldown is done, either stay where you joined or go guildless). But no doubt if that was implemented there would be some other workaround that people figure out soon enough.

It's a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. The only true solution is to build a community of people who play to the spirit of the game, rather than to the letter of the rulebook. I try my best to stimulate that kind of play, but more often than not it gets thrown back in my face.

We want the same things, I quite enjoy a close war, big 30v30 rolling battles in tristam and bw can be a right giggle. I just wish we could have those without all the bullshit that surrounds it.
The cooldown is good a good method. To make it easy, individual can leave guild by all means immediately but implement the cooldown of few days in order to join another guild. Also what would be good idea to simply make it in a way for example

If a war is declared both sides shouldn’t be able to recruit any1 until the war is ended this way no one can pull sneaky move to add members before war starts or because they know war is coming up so let’s go on a cooldown mode and join the guild during war.
"For every solution to a problem there are 3 new problems."

This sounds like a good solution to an obvious problem, but it would work perfectly for about 5 minutes before people work around it and we're back to square one. You'll just end up with people gaming the system by putting everyone in the same guild for war then spread out again afterwards, just like both sides do for SW. If you then solve that by some method of preventing people jumping guilds (I did make a suggestion around that a while ago, when you join a guild there's a cooldown of 3 or 5 or 7 days or something like that before you can join a different guild, so if you switch guild for war or epic cave or whatever then you're stuck until cooldown is done, either stay where you joined or go guildless). But no doubt if that was implemented there would be some other workaround that people figure out soon enough.

It's a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. The only true solution is to build a community of people who play to the spirit of the game, rather than to the letter of the rulebook. I try my best to stimulate that kind of play, but more often than not it gets thrown back in my face.

We want the same things, I quite enjoy a close war, big 30v30 rolling battles in tristam and bw can be a right giggle. I just wish we could have those without all the bullshit that surrounds it.

I think the guild cooldown idea is a good one, make it 7 days to prevent the guild switching for wars, tbh i dont agree with your pov regarding not doing anything as people will find a way around it, if they do then we would also need to find a fix for whatever they found, its a cat and mouse game and ultimately we are the mice GM is the cat he has the power to sort issues, as for hoping people play the game as it should be played i wouldnt get your hopes up, seems people these days would rather side with whoever is winning at the time then actually putting there big boy pants on to get what they desire, its a shame really a very child like tactic which shows the kind of peoples mentality that play.
Normal group size for wars are like 11-16 players. people would just all join one guild, i dont see how this would work or do any good,

people will always find a way around things like this.

i understand from both sides its anoying but its part of the game.
A obvious solution is a roster
Guild leader must check box war participants in guild in guild roster 24 hrs prior to war
Any new guild members joined not war eligible for 7 days
But guess coding be a nightmare
I actually quite like that idea. Like a draft.
A obvious solution is a roster
Guild leader must check box war participants in guild in guild roster 24 hrs prior to war
Any new guild members joined not war eligible for 7 days
But guess coding be a nightmare
That has potential, I like the idea in theory, but again I sense a concern in comprehension. People seem to find it hard enough to understand the absolute basics of the game half the time, and mechanics like that raise the bar further
A obvious solution is a roster
Guild leader must check box war participants in guild in guild roster 24 hrs prior to war
Any new guild members joined not war eligible for 7 days
But guess coding be a nightmare

Sounds like a great idea
On top of all the above proposition, how about make it more interesting:
1. Disable recall
2. Disable tele
3. Disable transloc/battlecharge
4. And even more interesting ? DISABLE town teleport and H function inside castle.
5. Make body drop like 200% chances or more.

From there we will see the spirit of defending and acquiring.
Some interesting options.

Disabling recall and tele etc feels sensible. I remember back in the day how annoying it was running to SW.

Disable H and tele out seems sensible. When you enter the battlefield you’re in. You can’t decide to leave and come back, in until death.

I wouldn’t both with body drops. Especially on a server where people pay real money for items.
Some interesting options.

Disabling recall and tele etc feels sensible. I remember back in the day how annoying it was running to SW.

Disable H and tele out seems sensible. When you enter the battlefield you’re in. You can’t decide to leave and come back, in until death.

I wouldn’t both with body drops. Especially on a server where people pay real money for items.
2 conflicting points there. The main reason people go to castle wars is to try to win body drops. Disabling tele out would increase the risk x1000 and most people would stop going. I'm keen on the increased risk/reward associated with increasing rate of body drops, and I think that would be a popular choice among people who attend wars, but disabling tele out takes that farrrrr too far.
2 conflicting points there. The main reason people go to castle wars is to try to win body drops. Disabling tele out would increase the risk x1000 and most people would stop going. I'm keen on the increased risk/reward associated with increasing rate of body drops, and I think that would be a popular choice among people who attend wars, but disabling tele out takes that farrrrr too far.
Yeah maybe, I’m sleep deprived so not sure what I was making. Just meant maybe 200% was a little high idk. Guess that’s the point. Don’t die.
On top of all the above proposition, how about make it more interesting:
1. Disable recall
2. Disable tele
3. Disable transloc/battlecharge
4. And even more interesting ? DISABLE town teleport and H function inside castle.
5. Make body drop like 200% chances or more.

From there we will see the spirit of defending and acquiring.

A couple of good suggestions.
Disable recall I'll be against but tele ring I agree.
Increase body drops I agree with also.
disabling H and tele home I disagree. Going to war and only way out is death is abit far 😅😅

I agree with cheng. When we was allied, war was boring as no competion. Guilds should 1v1 in war. Makes is fair and makes the best guild win.
Disable guild jumping like guild challenge where u can't just hope in and out. You have to be in the guild for 7 days or something that would be a good idea.
How about just remove half the castles because the game is dead anyway. Leave just Sabuk and PhoenixWall. Let Sabuk automatically trigger a war for every guild as a free for all so they compete for themselves to become the owners, so allies would be competing with each other whilst inside or around the castle anyway. Phoenix is essentially the PVE way to have a castle which already runs by the same principals.

Add a tele stone that offers free entry to all DemonSoul restricted areas in both castles.

This also drains more gold out of the game. The way it is now, one or two guilds are getting like 3 or more castle treasures a day whilst on the rest of the game guild members are having to chip in to buy an education shield.
i would say GM should have to disable tele and recall with increasing body drop that will be nice
And roy like all time he drop and write for suggestions in fourm like wtf why u care that much and u are in guild that not eve declaring any castle lol 😂
A couple of good suggestions.
Disable recall I'll be against but tele ring I agree.
Increase body drops I agree with also.
disabling H and tele home I disagree. Going to war and only way out is death is abit far 😅😅

I agree with cheng. When we was allied, war was boring as no competion. Guilds should 1v1 in war. Makes is fair and makes the best guild win.
Disable guild jumping like guild challenge where u can't just hope in and out. You have to be in the guild for 7 days or something that would be a good idea.
Like i said, make it more interesting..
Heres a wild idea , Why not just keep everything as it is ? Game is old . Server is old . Why start re writing the rule book now ?

Heres a wild idea , Why not just keep everything as it is ? Game is old . Server is old . Why start re writing the rule book now ?
Yea discussions like this only happen if certain guild lost the castle… and how many times the rules is changed to please them??