Buying skill necklace | The Legend of Mir

Buying skill necklace


Leading Contributor
Used to have loads of the blummin things, no idea where they all gone, can't find any anywhere

Someone sell me one cheap please, help a peasant out :)
I also has a few now 0 wonder if they dis’s appear when account did skull island dunno but maybe as I have 2 on others that are char bound
Ones I have seen char bound
They char bound ones are part of skull island quest and very easy to get. But there used to be tradeable ones which seem to have mostly disappeared. They used to be common, but can't seem to find any now. I had so many at one point I was giving them away and lending out without a care, but always kept one back for myself. But now that seems to have vanished, and everyone I've asked seems to have none too. Dunno what's happened to them all. Gritt maybe nailed it, curious to hear from GM if something like that has happened
If you haven’t got one by tomorrow morning I will give you one for nothing. Won’t be back on till then.
Just thinking about this, you sure yours isn't bound? The ones from skull island quests are bound to character.

Still looking for one btw if anyone has