Back in the Game | The Legend of Mir

Back in the Game


Hi fellow Mir dwellers

I have played this game on and off over the years, started so long ago on the Game Network version, might have been in 2003 or there about when I was still connecting via a modem at 14400bd, the ISDN and later on a 64k LAN network. As I am based in Cape Town, South Africa the lag was horrendous and it was almost impossible for me to hunt alone once I had levelled beyond Oma cave.

I think I played a min of about 4 hours a day for like 2 or 3 years - it's a bit foggy, considering I am now 58 years old. I those days killing ZT was about the biggest boss in the game and you needed a guild of about 8 - 10 players to kill him with a strategy of a wall of Warriors upfront the a row of Taos and Wizs at the back. It took like 3 hours to get to the KR.

Then I found Arcadia in about 2014 and played for about a year and returned again just two weeks ago.

I have always played a Tao as my main character with the same name.

I love the way the game has evolved and kudos to those who keep it running and coming up with wonderful new concepts like crafting, AH, Arcamon, buffs etc. The graphics of paradise lakes and paradise isle are truly awesome and clearly some one/people have done a lot of work since the drabness of spider cave.

One of the most enjoyable aspects for me was always a guild hunt to take on a big boss and the social aspects of such an outing. It was a great way to learn from higher lvl players and see dungeons that I could not venture into alone.

I am excited about being back, not sure how long the novelty will last, but hey.

What would be cool, (they may exist somewhere already - maybe you could direct me the threads) :

~ Co-ords for maps without doors
~ A guide on command lines (eg: rest pets, change mode, autorun, join/leave guild etc.)
~ Which bosses are in which dungeons and lvl required to solo

I am crap at PvP but do enjoy the guild wars for castle ownership.

I am keen to join a guild that does some organised hunts - any suggestions would be welcomed.

It's good to be back.

Hi fellow Mir dwellers

I have played this game on and off over the years, started so long ago on the Game Network version, might have been in 2003 or there about when I was still connecting via a modem at 14400bd, the ISDN and later on a 64k LAN network. As I am based in Cape Town, South Africa the lag was horrendous and it was almost impossible for me to hunt alone once I had levelled beyond Oma cave.

I think I played a min of about 4 hours a day for like 2 or 3 years - it's a bit foggy, considering I am now 58 years old. I those days killing ZT was about the biggest boss in the game and you needed a guild of about 8 - 10 players to kill him with a strategy of a wall of Warriors upfront the a row of Taos and Wizs at the back. It took like 3 hours to get to the KR.

Then I found Arcadia in about 2014 and played for about a year and returned again just two weeks ago.

I have always played a Tao as my main character with the same name.

I love the way the game has evolved and kudos to those who keep it running and coming up with wonderful new concepts like crafting, AH, Arcamon, buffs etc. The graphics of paradise lakes and paradise isle are truly awesome and clearly some one/people have done a lot of work since the drabness of spider cave.

One of the most enjoyable aspects for me was always a guild hunt to take on a big boss and the social aspects of such an outing. It was a great way to learn from higher lvl players and see dungeons that I could not venture into alone.

I am excited about being back, not sure how long the novelty will last, but hey.

What would be cool, (they may exist somewhere already - maybe you could direct me the threads) :

~ Co-ords for maps without doors
~ A guide on command lines (eg: rest pets, change mode, autorun, join/leave guild etc.)
~ Which bosses are in which dungeons and lvl required to solo

I am crap at PvP but do enjoy the guild wars for castle ownership.

I am keen to join a guild that does some organised hunts - any suggestions would be welcomed.

It's good to be back.


Welcome back. Try immortals they are active and constant hunts. Ps they look after noobs with lvl and kit providing your decent person and don’t cause commotions.
Welcome back!

~ Co-ords for maps without doors
Most maps even if they don't have the doors marked on the minimaps it's pretty easy to tell where the doors are. Just look closely on the minimap and you'll usually see the bits that look like doors. It takes some practice but given some time you'll start to recognise them.

~ A guide on command lines (eg: rest pets, change mode, autorun, join/leave guild etc.)
If you press F12 you'll see a list of all the commands ingame.
The most common ones you'll use are
H - opens 'home' menu in the top left so you can teleport home
Ctrl-A - cycle attack mode
Ctrl-H - cycle pet mode
Q - open quest list
N - open notification window
G - open guild window
P - open party window (here there are tickboxes to toggle allow group / allow recall)
D or middle click - autorun
@move x y

~ Which bosses are in which dungeons and lvl required to solo
This heavily depends on your class. Generally warriors are the fastest at killing bosses due to their mental hit speed, but are really restricted in what they can kill solo. Wizards can kill pretty much anything but it takes a month to do so. Taos are a nice half way house, can kill most things and are a bit faster than wizards. I don't think there's any real list, as it also depends heavily on your kit and skills, and personally your actual ability. Best bet is just to try everywhere and see how you get on, that's part of the fun! If you find something you can't kill, ask for help to kill it, then try solo again in a few levels.

I am keen to join a guild that does some organised hunts - any suggestions would be welcomed.
The only 2 guilds that seem to do active hunts at the moment are Dragons and Immortals. I won't lie, I'd prefer you to join me in Dragons, but you'll probably end up in Immortals since they just pk anyone who doesn't lol, which is why they are really the only dominant guild in the game at the moment. Don't want to muddy your thread with guild politics so I'll leave it at that.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to pm me either on this forum or ingame (char names in sig below). I'm logged in pretty much 24/7 so if I don't reply I'm either at work or sleeping, and will get back to you later if I see your message.
Alot of people dont see the NPC in Bichon called Ashley i think she has a gd rundown of some places to go depending on your class / lvl. Try some of the places out n see how it goes. As Zade said mainly Immortals and Dragons that go on big guild hunts although TheLegends do the same and are always a gd helping guild .
Alot of people dont see the NPC in Bichon called Ashley i think she has a gd rundown of some places to go depending on your class / lvl. Try some of the places out n see how it goes. As Zade said mainly Immortals and Dragons that go on big guild hunts although TheLegends do the same and are always a gd helping guild .

Oops forgot about TheLegends (not to be confused with Legends!!) my bad haha. They mostly keep themselves to themselves but I have seen them out and about doing hunts too