Arcamon pets level | The Legend of Mir

Arcamon pets level


Active Member
Hi Andy /Warda
Any chance of upping arcamon pet level to 165 in line with other pets please
Best wishes
Would also be good if once pets get 165 they get the same drop gold and magic find lvl cap buff as the players get because I belive pets ruin drops

I'm sure this was already covered, did Andy not say that pets don't affect drops as the kill is attributed to the player? I always let my pets get kill and still seem to be doing okay
I'm sure this was already covered, did Andy not say that pets don't affect drops as the kill is attributed to the player? I always let my pets get kill and still seem to be doing okay

I don’t remember this I maybe didn’t play them but after chatting with 5startao he says he’s drops have massively improved since he stopped letting pets kill the bosses.