AH bag limited to 46 items | The Legend of Mir

AH bag limited to 46 items


Active Member
Hi Since yesterday I can only list 46 items with the message that I've reached a maximum when trying to place the 47th. Nothing to collect, refreshed, rebooted and reloaded the game twice. Are we limited to 46 now? Screenie attached showing 4 empty spots on Page 5.


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That's a bit weird. I'm guessing 4 things you had in AH have expired and the thing that checks how many items you have in AH has forgotten to account for that. It'll probably sort itself out on next server reboot
Thanks for the report. Let me know if reboot fixes it. Will help narrow down the causes
Thanks for the report. Let me know if reboot fixes it. Will help narrow down the causes

My Auction House bag has had a massive fart during the reboot and has 1. Randomly mixed up everything that is for sale, 2. Cleared 13 spaces of space (45 down to 32) which I suspect were some old cheap gems that had expired but not been removed. I've tested it and can now list the full 50 items.
Hope that's enough info for you.
Never had that many things in there to be honest, I thought that 46 would've been a generous amount, but 50 is better! Happy you got a swift fix.
Thanks for the report. Let me know if reboot fixes it. Will help narrow down the causes

Following on from the bag being sorted by the reboot, I went to withdraw a gem just now to reduce the price and got a message saying that the item had already been sold (there was nothing to collect). Perhaps gems are sticking in the bag even after they're sold?