Could there possibly be a 5 minute re entry before arena is locked out for someone following a lag out. Today immortals got its best group in a long while together to try to beat our best score in arena and push to see if any further hordes spawn and hopefully get some nice drops. Of course getting a group of 12 people together on an evening is a big ask. Add the fact people have prepared pots specifically to go in and score as best as possible score. So its very annoying when i lagged out. Now i know it wasnt an internet issue as i had my store also logged in on a seperate window. He stayed connected and my char in arena froze and i had to force shut game after a minute of it not moving. So i dunno what happened server side, but another person also lagged at same time but they managed to unfreeze and continue as normal.
Anyway my point is, for a once weekly challenge that a lot of effort went into to prepare, to lag out and not be able to help my guild was extremely annoying.
So the point of my thread.....add a small grace period if you dc and can re enter the arena. At least this way, you and your guild are not penalised for server side issues out of your control.
Anyway my point is, for a once weekly challenge that a lot of effort went into to prepare, to lag out and not be able to help my guild was extremely annoying.
So the point of my thread.....add a small grace period if you dc and can re enter the arena. At least this way, you and your guild are not penalised for server side issues out of your control.