Buff elemental damage | The Legend of Mir

Buff elemental damage


Active Member
Probly just me that feels like this is the case but i can get a 1000 sc kit with 70% ice or 60% fire and the damage i output matches those of a tao with 1200 sc and 10% elemental damage ? Just seems so wrong to spend 100's of hours hunting essences/designs to upgrade your items when ur probs better off going REL orbing all ur kit and just socketing with sc/dc/mc etc.
I agree it seems strange, I don't think damage should be made insanely stronger just altered that its actually worth trying to get a certain elemental stat on your gear. I think its really only Taos that have this problem? Fire damage on wiz for example seems to make CoP insanely strong, likewise for dark damage on warrior and TDB.

Also think the Holy stat is beyond useless and needs looking at.
Agreed making anything other than a kit with just loads of SC is useless tbh... but as u say , wars + wizzies elements stack with their damage quite nicely.
Why do you need to have Elemental Damage OR SC? Why not have both? Not to sound like I am knocking you down but I don't really understand what you are getting at
My bad if I struggle to explain it lol, I do go for both as much as possible , what im saying is if i make a nice ice dmg kit say 75% and have 1000-1100 sc in this kit , with my boreal tigers barely doing 700 dmg on another tao, then the other tao having 10% ice dmg and 1100-1200 sc doing more damage on avg than my boreal. Even tho we have roughly equal amc/resistances. I just feel like whats the point?
In short terms ice damage doesn't seem to make Boreal tiger any better even at high values, the same for explosive amulet and fire damage.
I know what u mean I tested this as a noob before I socketed my kit , for example 2% fire over 10 Mc stone to make cop stronger but that's the only spell it works on , all other fire spells are stronger with 10 Mc instead of 2% fire

Hence why i'v started getting kit with MA on it now instead of fire .
High fire was good for Cop lvling but over all MC seems to win
Oooh goody! Something mathsy to test! Love some number crunching. Will get right on that :D
To be clear, I'm not saying tao damage is bad or needs buffed, just altered so taking ele stats like ice is worth more at high values than say 100 SC.

60% ice is harder to get than 100 more sc

Yeah boreal is the only ice spell weak to undead? Maybe making boreal also use holy damage might give holy a use

Holy is in a bad state and needs looking at.
To be clear, I'm not saying tao damage is bad or needs buffed, just altered so taking ele stats like ice is worth more at high values than say 100 SC.

60% ice is harder to get than 100 more sc

Yeah boreal is the only ice spell weak to undead? Maybe making boreal also use holy damage might give holy a use

Holy is in a bad state and needs looking at.

Your signature makes me giggle every time
only have to look at xerxes kit. Mainly just sc and a little res. His pets will tare most lvl 160's apart.

The boost to sc/mc/dc 5 to double the stats was a little too much. I said it when it was changed. No a little pa/ma/sa with mostly 10's in sockets and your good to go.
My bad if I struggle to explain it lol, I do go for both as much as possible , what im saying is if i make a nice ice dmg kit say 75% and have 1000-1100 sc in this kit , with my boreal tigers barely doing 700 dmg on another tao, then the other tao having 10% ice dmg and 1100-1200 sc doing more damage on avg than my boreal. Even tho we have roughly equal amc/resistances. I just feel like whats the point?

The point is you can use elemental towards any stat meaning some players chose to have mixed stats like fire/ice l. If you go sc only that would mean your options are limited.
I guess it kinda depends on how you play the char. For example I almost never solo hunt on my tao, it literally only gets used if we are lacking taos on a guild/group hunt I'll jump on that instead of war/wiz, so it's stacked with holy to improve buffs and heals etc, really don't need attack power. Benefit is I can get high % holy kit really cheap heheh
the trouble with that is that holy damage doesnt really scale well with ur buffs/heals. My old 70% holy kit increased my heals by maybe 250hp maximum and i didnt even notice a difference in amc/ac/fire/ice buffs .
the trouble with that is that holy damage doesnt really scale well with ur buffs/heals. My old 70% holy kit increased my heals by maybe 250hp maximum and i didnt even notice a difference in amc/ac/fire/ice buffs .

Defo a good excuse for me to do some comparison testing :)

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Knowing my luck I'll go out and spend a fortune on SC/SA kit for it then scorp will change it all so holy is useful again :D
Are you really talking about sockets then? Ie increasing % on the sockets?

Otherwise I don't understand because if you want to be powerful just use both stats.

I don't know if you remember. But the DC/MC/SC sockets had their stats doubled a few years ago. Maybe that was a little too much :eek-new: