Mythic Extraction | Page 2 | The Legend of Mir

Mythic Extraction

I don`t agree with this tbh, seems unfair to the casual player who`s life is not Mir and have other responsibilities and may get 1 or 2 hours a day game play. I can comfortably afford to buy it all, but i most certainly will not, not for what time i actually spend on the server.

I just wanted a decent kit so i can be at least competitive and i am willing to pay a reasonable sum but i wont have the piss taken.
You say you want a decent kit so you can be competitive, it's absolutely possible, and a lot cheaper, to achieve that without bothering with mythic socket extraction. It won't make a significant difference to your experience. It's a feature that's there to give a tiny advantage to people who want to spend more
I don`t agree with this tbh, seems unfair to the casual player who`s life is not Mir and have other responsibilities and may get 1 or 2 hours a day game play. I can comfortably afford to buy it all, but i most certainly will not, not for what time i actually spend on the server.

I just wanted a decent kit so i can be at least competitive and i am willing to pay a reasonable sum but i wont have the piss taken.
Putting double mythic on a item isnt that great tbh. harder the fall if you loose it. better getting 2 kits and rune them up diffrent to what you need.
You say you want a decent kit so you can be competitive, it's absolutely possible, and a lot cheaper, to achieve that without bothering with mythic socket extraction. It won't make a significant difference to your experience. It's a feature that's there to give a tiny advantage to people who want to spend more
You know the score, you always want more lol, this is a fact!
You know the score, you always want more lol, this is a fact!
Think of it this way

Imagine a tower, 100 floors high. It costs £1 to enter the first floor, £2 to enter the second, £4 to enter the third, and it doubles every time you go up one floor.

You go as high as you can afford, and you've got a cracking view, but then complain that the people 2 floors above you have a better view.

But do they really? They are a bit higher off the ground, but so what, it's pretty much the same.

Moral of the story, spend whatever you're comfortable spending and get as much as you can out of it. But unless you're spending more than everyone else, you're not going to have the same things, and at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter, the effective difference is so negligible. I went on a hunt last week and left a double mythic bracelet in storage and it took me an hour to even notice. Having this kind of stuff all finished off is pure vanity, so don't worry about it
The special items you desire need to be rare or expensive. That’s the secret behind these types of games and one of the reasons the server has lasted longer than pretty much any other mir2 server.

I you didn’t know that basic concept, now you know
I understand just fine.

But let me ask you this, what do you think is a reasonable timeframe to make one mythic item?

Farm the gold and essence without spending GG.

How long do you think it should take to do one item?
I've always been of the mind that mythic costs should scale based on level of an item so as to not price out noobies.

this goes for repair costs, why does hc braces cost twice as much as Ely to repair?

And I also believe there should be an option for those of us who want to remove a mythic socket without paying 300gg. Close the socket, destroy the source. Just make a second option that's cheaper.

I want to put wisdom on a pair of braces that rolled nicely, why do I have to spend 300gg on top of the 150mil and 600ess each brace?
You can triple mythic if you really are clever about it. Start with either Bezeled or Everlast

Open sockets on Bez, remove and add Everlast, gem to the max and then remove add your final mythic, guardian/survive/wisdom/midas

Or start with Everlast and upgrade/max gem, remove add Bez open sockets, remove and add final mythic!

Save a lot of gold in orbs and grinding gems lol, wonder if it could negate its own cost in the long term 😊

Just goes on what one person is willing to pay, because there is enough gold bars for sale to possibly do it a few times over.
Think of it this way

Imagine a tower, 100 floors high. It costs £1 to enter the first floor, £2 to enter the second, £4 to enter the third, and it doubles every time you go up one floor.

You go as high as you can afford, and you've got a cracking view, but then complain that the people 2 floors above you have a better view.

But do they really? They are a bit higher off the ground, but so what, it's pretty much the same.

Moral of the story, spend whatever you're comfortable spending and get as much as you can out of it. But unless you're spending more than everyone else, you're not going to have the same things, and at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter, the effective difference is so negligible. I went on a hunt last week and left a double mythic bracelet in storage and it took me an hour to even notice. Having this kind of stuff all finished off is pure vanity, so don't worry about it

Or another way, sports like F1 know that money talks. Those that spend the most, achieve the most. That's why they limit budgets. They know that a never ending cycle of people being prepared to pay more than someone else is not desirable and certainly not sustainable.

Little differences matter, else why would some people chase the little differences?
Or another way, sports like F1 know that money talks. Those that spend the most, achieve the most. That's why they limit budgets. They know that a never ending cycle of people being prepared to pay more than someone else is not desirable and certainly not sustainable.

Little differences matter, else why would some people chase the little differences?
It’s a good example except you are comparing a high stakes sport to a private server replica of an online game
With pixels costing several hundreds (if not thousands) of £'s and a huge investment in time, I would say the loss of an item in this game is pretty high stake too.
Back in the day I watched F1 a lot. I might be slightly out in my figures here, but I think it was once said that the difference between Michael Schumacher (a driver I have huge respect for) and the worst F1 driver was something like 0.2sec a lap. The difference between the best and worst cars a lap was something like 1second.

The moral being, kit matters!
I've always been of the mind that mythic costs should scale based on level of an item so as to not price out noobies.

this goes for repair costs, why does hc braces cost twice as much as Ely to repair?

And I also believe there should be an option for those of us who want to remove a mythic socket without paying 300gg. Close the socket, destroy the source. Just make a second option that's cheaper.

I want to put wisdom on a pair of braces that rolled nicely, why do I have to spend 300gg on top of the 150mil and 600ess each brace?
You only have to pay the 300 if the item already has a mythic. If you don't want that mythic why are you crafting it, sell it and get one that isn't mythic or already has the mythic you want
You only have to pay the 300 if the item already has a mythic. If you don't want that mythic why are you crafting it, sell it and get one that isn't mythic or already has the mythic you want
You misunderstand, the crafting system in this server is the largest money sink there is with the variances of how buggy it is. Rolling pa on tao items and holy damage 9 times in a row on wiz items.

In short I don't waste my time with it.

I do have several items that dropped and id'd lovely that I'd like to use but they have shit mythics on them like midas and everlast.

As for "only" 300gg, that's the rub.

Why waste 300gg on something that ill get no use of the source from?

Make a tool that's half that price and destroy the source. I'm not pulling midas off of it to make a profit lol
You misunderstand, the crafting system in this server is the largest money sink there is with the variances of how buggy it is. Rolling pa on tao items and holy damage 9 times in a row on wiz items.

In short I don't waste my time with it.

I do have several items that dropped and id'd lovely that I'd like to use but they have shit mythics on them like midas and everlast.

As for "only" 300gg, that's the rub.

Why waste 300gg on something that ill get no use of the source from?

Make a tool that's half that price and destroy the source. I'm not pulling midas off of it to make a profit lol
This might sound harsh, but honestly, you'd sink thousands of gg into the item to do it the 'traditional' way by crafting it until you're happy with the stats, and you're complaining about having to spend only 300 to do it an easier way. Nah behave. If 300gg is a significant cost to you then your items aren't anywhere near as good/valuable as you think they are
You misunderstand, the crafting system in this server is the largest money sink there is with the variances of how buggy it is. Rolling pa on tao items and holy damage 9 times in a row on wiz items.

In short I don't waste my time with it.

I do have several items that dropped and id'd lovely that I'd like to use but they have shit mythics on them like midas and everlast.

As for "only" 300gg, that's the rub.

Why waste 300gg on something that ill get no use of the source from?

Make a tool that's half that price and destroy the source. I'm not pulling midas off of it to make a profit lol
Your glossing over the fact that all items (including rare items like Ely) can drop mythic but are rare as fk.

if there were not rare items to hunt and play for for, you would loose interest very fast, it’s what keepsyou going. Not just you, everyone, it’s the basic psychology of the game…..

now theres mechanics to speed up getting these items / making them, yes you have to pay, but like with all things in life you have to pay.

now you may think it’s too expensive, that’s fine. But you have two options, earn more money and pay the price, or settle for less. Coming on here and moaning Ain’t an option!
Your glossing over the fact that all items (including rare items like Ely) can drop mythic but are rare as fk.

if there were not rare items to hunt and play for for, you would loose interest very fast, it’s what keepsyou going. Not just you, everyone, it’s the basic psychology of the game…..

now theres mechanics to speed up getting these items / making them, yes you have to pay, but like with all things in life you have to pay.

now you may think it’s too expensive, that’s fine. But you have two options, earn more money and pay the price, or settle for less. Coming on here and moaning Ain’t an option!
You shouldn't insinuate people cannot afford it, I can assure you that I can, and it's because I don't waste it on silly private servers that take the piss. Peace 👊
You shouldn't insinuate people cannot afford it, I can assure you that I can, and it's because I don't waste it on silly private servers that take the piss. Peace 👊
any one can make 300g in game without spending any RL cash.

the option to speed things up is there who choose to (for what ever reason) pay RL cash.

Some of the top players have never spend a cent in their lifes on mir.

What ANY one spends their hard earned money on is their prerogative. For you to come and say ppl are " waste it on silly private servers that take the piss." is rude and offensive to a large portion of this community. Please show some respect and learn about what your talking about 1st
Just my opinion mate, chill

I can assure you I have spent my fair share but simply refuse to pay 300GG to remove a useless Mythic.